


Burggasse 12 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

Telephone: +43 (0) 664 819 33 19 E-Mail: [email protected]
Registration: Landesgericht Klagenfurt, FN 108415i
Member of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce: Sektion Bank und Versicherung
VAT no.: ATU 25775505

Object of the business was

  1. the operation of all banking transactions in accordance with § 1(1) Bankwesengesetz (BWG), with the exception of the issue of funded debenture bonds, building society savings business, the management of capital investment funds according to the Investmentfondgesetz [Investment Funds Act], the management of property funds according to the Immobilien-Investmentfondsgesetz [Property Investment Funds Act], the establishment or management of equity funds according to the Beteiligungsfondsgesetz [Equity Funds Act] and the acceptance and investment of severance contributions;

  2. mortgage bank business

  3. The corporate object also covered

    • the activities of a financial institution within the meaning of § 1(2) BWG, as a superior bank within the HYPO ALPE-ADRIA Bank Group within the meaning of § 30(5) BWG,
    • the activities and auxiliary activities within the meaning of § 1(3) BWG,
    • advice on insurance matters and the activity of an insurance broker,
    • management consultancy and company organisation,
    • investment consulting and asset management, including in the form of fiduciary transactions,
    • property management,
    • leasing and letting own properties and movable goods,
    • the activity of an estate agent and property developer,
    • the sale of tickets for officially approved games of chance,
    • investments in companies of all kinds,
    • company acquisitions or formations,
    • the acquisition and sale of properties, buildings or equivalent titles, and
    • with consideration to the statutory provisions in this respect, all transactions capable of directly or indirectly promoting the company’s business purpose.
  4. The company was entitled to set up local offices, branch establishments and subsidiaries and to hive off business lines to these.

  5. The company operated in Austria and abroad.

  6. Reference to Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (WAG).

With the decision of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) of December 29, 2021, HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG went into liquidation under stock corporation law and is now trading under the name "HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG i.A.".


Mag. Martin Handrich
Mag. Stefan Rossmanith

Supervisory Board:

Dr. Matthias Schmidt (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
Dipl.-Kfm. Alexander Höving (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
Dr. Tinka Hofer
Franz Köglmeier

Delegated by the Workers Council:

Mag. Gert Friedl
Mag. Stephan Karrer


100 % Abbaumanagementgesellschaft des Bundes (ABBAG)


Please see Investor Relations

Basic content of the website of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG i.A.:

  • Presentation of HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG i.A.
  • Press informationen
  • Information and links regarding Liquidation Participation

Accessibility Statement / WCAG conformity:
Accessibility means making websites accessible to as large a group of users as possible - independent of physical and technical possibilities. As a rule, all users benefit from an accessible website. Accessibility doesn't mean creating a separate second version of the website (a text-only version for example), but designing websites directly to meet the requirements of accessibility right from the start.

You will find an overview of the structure and scope of our homepage in the sitemap above in the navigation. The sitemap links every page of the homepage thereby taking you to the desired location with one click.

Contents, design and layout:

HETA ASSET RESOLUTION AG i.A., Communication Management

Technical development:

addIT Dienstleistungen GmbH & Co KG / Built with Grav